@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000314, author = {篠﨑, 茂雄 and Shinozaki, Shigeo}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Jul}, note = {application/pdf, かつてアサは全国各地で生産されていた。江戸から昭和初期にかけての栃木県や長野県,広島県などでは商品作物として生産され,茎から得られた繊維は下駄の鼻緒の芯縄や漁網,綱などに加工された。また,木綿の生産に適さない東北地方や中部地方の山間地では,少なくとも戦前まで,自給用にアサを生産し,衣類などに加工していた。アサは特別な力が宿る植物と考えられていたことから信仰の用具としても重要である。赤ん坊の臍の緒を切る糸や結納の友白髪などに使用され,祭礼においても欠かすことができない。さらに,実からは油を採取することができ,食用としても利用された。 アサの栽培目的は繊維の採取と実の採取の2つが考えられているが,民俗事例を見る限り,両者は分けて考える必要がある。繊維を採取するためのアサは,枝分かれを防ぐために密植し,花が咲く前に収穫する。そして,冷涼でやせ地の方が良質な繊維が採取できる。逆に,実を採取するためのアサは肥沃な土地の方が有利であり,枝分かれを促すために疎に植える。 アサから繊維を採るためには,茎から皮を剥がさなければならない。多くの地域では,大型の釜や桶を用いて,茎を煮たり,蒸したりすることでこれを行ってきた。しかし,水につけたり,草を被せて温度を高めたりすることだけでも皮を剥ぐことはでき,したがって,特別な道具がなくてもアサの加工は可能である。そして,福島県や宮城県では現在もこの方法を用いている。そこからさらに良質な繊維を得るためには,竹や木,金属などで皮を擦り,カスを落とさなければならない。栃木県では古くは竹を割ったもの,広島県や宮崎県などでは竹で箸状の用具を作ってこの作業を行ってきたが,それらの材料の多くは,近くの山林から入手でき,自分で製作可能な自給民具である。また,実の採取においても,特別な道具は必要としない。 以上のことから,縄文時代にアサが生育していたらならば,それを加工し,利用することは可能であったろう。, In olden days, hemp was grown all over Japan. Between the Edo period and the early Showa period, it was grown as a commercial crop in Tochigi, Nagano, Hiroshima and other prefectures. Fibers obtained from the stem were used to make the core cord for geta (Japanese wooden sandals) straps, as well as nets for fishing and other purposes. Further, in northeastern and central Japan, regions that are climatically unsuited for cotton cultivation, hemp was grown until at least before the start of World War II for self-consumption, such as processing the fibers to make clothing. Hemp also played an indispensable role in religious rituals. String made from hemp was used to cut a newborn baby’s umbilical cord and was also included as an auspicious item in gifts exchanged at traditional Japanese engagement ceremonies. Oil extracted from hemp seeds was utilized for edible purposes. We assume that hemp was cultivated for two purposes—the extraction of fibers and the harvest of seeds. Looking at examples of cultivation in different regions, it is clear that the two purposes must be considered separately. Hemp that is cultivated for extraction of fibers must be planted closely to prevent branching and must be harvested before the plants begin flowering. Cold climatic conditions and infertile soil further enhances the quality of the fibers. On the other hand, hemp that is grown for the extraction of seeds thrives on fertile soil and is planted at distances that stimulate branching. In order to extract fibers from hemp, it is necessary to first remove the bark from the stems of the plants. In many regions this was done by boiling or steaming the stems in large pots. However, the bark can be removed through simpler means such as by immersing in water or covering with weeds to raise its temperature, and hemp can be processed without the use of special tools. These methods are employed even today in Fukushima and Miyagi prefectures. To further enhance the quality of fibers, they must be scraped off using bamboo, wood, metal, etc., to eliminate impurities on the surface. In Tochigi Prefecture, tools made by splitting bamboo rods were traditionally used, while chopstick-like tools made from bamboo were used in Hiroshima and Miyazaki prefectures. Most of these tools were crafted by the local people themselves utilizing materials obtained from nearby mountain forests. In addition, no special tools were required for the harvesting of seeds as well. Looking at examples of cultivation in different regions, we can assume that if hemp was grown in the Jomon Period, it would have been possible to process and utilize it.}, pages = {405--424}, title = {縄文時代のアサ利用を考えるためにアサ利用の民俗学的研究}, volume = {187}, year = {2014}, yomi = {シノザキ, シゲオ} }