@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000317, author = {小林, 和貴 and 鈴木, 三男 and Kobayashi, Kazutaka and Suzuki, Mitsuo}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Jul}, note = {application/pdf, 出土編組製品の素材に関する研究は,これまであまり行われてこなかった。その原因として,素材植物の同定を行うための切片作製方法が確立されていないことと,現生植物種の比較対照標本が不十分であることがあげられる。本稿では,切片作製方法の確立を目指して徒手切片法と樹脂包埋切片法による切片作製と,潰れた植物組織の復元方法の検討を行った。二つの切片作製法を使い分けることで,遺存状態の良い遺物と劣化した遺物,保存処理された遺物の切片を作製することが出来た。潰れた植物組織の復元にはアンモニア処理が有効だった。, There have been few researches on the plant material of excavated weavings. As the cause, it is pointed out that methods to make sections have not been established and living plant specimens to compare are insufficient. Sectioning is difficult because materials of excavated weavings are thin and often pressed. Furthermore, they are preserved in various conditions, such as chemically processed or unprocessed. We need to establish the way to make sections according to each condition. We have examined a hand-sectioning method and an epoxy resin-embedding method. We also tried recovering pressed plant materials. By using above two sectioning methods properly, we made sections of not only weavings excavated in good condition but also ones of bad quality or chemically processed. Treating with ammonia was useful for recovering pressed plant materials. Ammonia treatment has some problems to make permanent prepared slides, so we will improve the methods.}, pages = {457--467}, title = {出土編組製品素材の同定方法}, volume = {187}, year = {2014}, yomi = {コバヤシ, カズタカ and スズキ, ミツオ} }