@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000540, author = {小島, 美子 and Kojima, Tomiko}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Nov}, note = {application/pdf, 日本民謡には,一般に西物と東物の違いがあるといわれているが,私は以前に山口県と秋田県の民謡を例として,『日本民謡大観』所載の民謡を分析し,音階や旋律法などいろいろな点でこの2つにはやはり大きな違いがあることを明らかにした。 本稿では,県全体としては西物の特徴をもつ山口県の民謡を,さらに日本海側の長州地方,瀬戸内海側の周防地方に分けて同じ資料を集計し直し,日本海側と瀬戸内海側では違いがないかどうかを調べてみた。その場合,前論文でもっとも鮮やかな違いが現われた音階を本稿ではとり上げた。資料の多少や,民謡の種類による音階の偏りなど,偶然的要因を考慮しても,なお違いがはっきりしていたからである。 その結果,長州では周防よりも民謡音階がかなり大きい割合を占めることがわかった。そのため日本海側に隣接する島根県と,瀬戸内海側に隣接する広島県の民謡の音階を分析してみた。その結果,島根県の民謡は圧倒的に民謡音階の世界であることが明らかになった。とくに島根県の東半分にあたる出雲では,秋田県を超えるほどの高い比率で民謡音階が現われた。これに対して広島県側では,民謡音階の曲が約半数あり,律音階系の曲(律音階とその変種,都節音階とその変種を含む)が残り半分を占めていた。やはり日本海側と瀬戸内海側では大きな差が現われたわけである。 これらの結果をいささか飛躍して,音階が比較的変わり難い要素であることを考え,日本音楽の起源の問題にまで広げて考えてみると,民謡音階の民謡を歌っていた人々は,日本海側の地に入り,そのまま瀬戸内海側に進むのではなく,東に進んだ可能性も考えられるし,日本海側には継続的に民謡音階の刺激があった可能性なども考えられるのではないかと思われる。 またこれらの音階分析の過程で,核音とテトラコルドの存在が不明確な例が約20曲現われた。このような形はこれまでもまったくなかったわけではないが,この場合のようにまとまって現われた例は珍しく,今後音階上の問題として検討する必要があるだろう。, It is generally said that there are differences in Japanese folk songs between the western group and the eastern group. I have analyzed folk songs contained in the “Complete Collection of Japanese Folk songs”, taking examples from the songs of Yamaguchi and Akita prefectures, and have clarified that there is a large difference between them in the scales and melodies. In this paper, I have classified the folk songs of Yamaguchi prefecture, which have the characteristics of the western group as a whole, into those of the Chōshū region on the Japan Sea side and those of the Suō region on the Inland Sea side. I then collected the statistics of the two groups again to determine whether there was any difference between them. For the purpose of this study, I used the scale which showed the most distinct characteristic in my previous paper. The scales showed clear distinctions even after considering accidental factors, such as the volume of materials, and imbalance of scales according to the types of folk songs. My results showed that the Minyō (folk song) scales accounted for a considerably larger part of the folk songs in the Chōshū region than the Suō region. I then analyzed the folk song of Shimane prefecture, adjacent to Yamaguchi prefecture on the Japan Sea side, and that of Hiroshima prefecture, adjacent on the Inland Sea side. The results showed that the Minyō scale is found in an overwhelmingly large part of the folk songs in Shimane prefecture. In particular, in the Izumo region, which corresponds to the eastern half of Shimane prefecture, the Minyō scales appeared with a very high ratio, almost exceeding that of Akita prefecture. On the other hand, in Hiroshima prefecture, the Minyō scales appeared in about half of the songs examined, and the Ritsu-type scales (including the Ritsu scale and its variations, and the Miyakobushi scale and its variations) accounted for the remaining half. A large difference has been seen again between the Japan Sea side and the Inland Sea side. Considering that the scale is an element rather difficult to change, and admitting a certain extent of logic jumping with these results in considering the problem of the origin of Japanese music, the people who sang songs with the Minyō scale entered the country on the Japan Sea side, and instead of proceeding to the Inland Sea side, they possibly proceeded to the east. Or it is possible that there was a continuous flow of people who sang folk songs with the Minyō scale to the Japan Sea side. Also in the process of this analysis, I found that the existence of nuclear notes and tetracords was not clear in about 20 pieces. Such examples existed elsewhere, but it was rare for them to appeare in such a large number as in this case. This problem will require further discussion as to how it relates to the scales.}, pages = {375--388}, title = {日本民謡の地域性研究に向けての試論 : 日本民謡の日本海側と瀬戸内海側(Ⅴ. 生活文化史への視点)}, volume = {36}, year = {1991}, yomi = {コジマ, トミコ} }