@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000569, author = {上野, 和男 and Ueno, Kazuo}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 最近とくに一九七〇年代以降、社会人類学・日本民俗学・社会学・宗教学などにおいて祖先祭祀研究が極めて活発に行われるようになってきた。一九七〇年以前の研究はフォーテス・Mのアフリカ研究がそうであったように、単系出自集団と祖先祭祀との関係であった。日本においてもこの時期の研究は、単系出自集団である同族組織や家と祖先祭祀の研究が中心であったが、一九七〇年以降の研究は、単系出自集団以外の親族組織と祖先祭祀との関係に関心があつまってきた。 こうした活発な祖先祭祀研究を促進させてきた条件の第一は、「仏壇ブーム」や「墓ブーム」に象徴されるように、日本社会が今日祖先祭祀をどのように遂行するかについて一種の社会問題的状況が見られることである。第二は、戦後の日本の家族の変化をどう評価するかが家族研究者への課題になってきたことであり、この問題への接近にあたって祖先祭祀研究が大きな意味を持ち得ると考えられることである。第三は昭和初期に本格的に開始された日本の家族・親族の実証的研究において、長い間家族は労働組織すなわち経済的な単位として研究されてきたのに対して、いま儀礼的祭祀的側面からの家族研究によって、あらたな家族研究の展開が求められていることである。 現在の祖先祭祀研究、とりわけこの共同研究「家族・親族と先祖祭祀」にはつぎのような課題が課せられていると考えられる。第一は日本の祖先祭祀の地域的な変差がまず明らかにされるべきである。第二は日本の祖先祭祀の長期的・短期的変化が明らかにされるべきである。第三は祖先祭祀の諸形態が日本人の死者観、他界観とどうかかわっているかが明らかにされるべきである。第四は東アジアにおける日本の祖先祭祀の位置が明らかにされるべきである。これらを通して日本人の基層信仰のひとつとしての祖先祭祀を、現段階において、社会構造と祖先観の両面から総合的に明らかにするのが本共同研究の課題である。, Recently, especially since the 1970s, there has been much activity in the study of various aspects of ancestor worship, including the fields of social anthropology, Japanese folklore, sociology, and the study of religion. Before 1970, as can be seen in the African studies by Fortes, M., studies were mainly on the relationship between unilineal descent groups and ancestor worship. In Japan, studies during the same period centered around the family organization or “Ie”, which is a unilineal descent group, and ancestor worship. However, after 1970, the relationship between kinship organization, which is not a unilineal descent group, and ancestor worship, became a matter of growing interest. The primary condition promoting this active research into ancestor worship was the appearance of a kind of socially problematic situation, regarding how Japanese society conducts ancestor worship today, as is symbolized in the “family Buddhist altar boom” and the “grave boom”. The second condition was the fact that researchers into family came to tackle the question of how to evaluate the post-war changes in the Japanese family, and that the research into ancestor worship is considered to have much meaning in the approach to this subject. The third condition was that a new development in research into family is now required with regard to aspects of ceremonial worship, as opposed to the corroborative studies on Japanese families and kinship, which started in earnest at the beginning of the Showa era, in which the family was long considered as a labor organization, that is, an economic unit. Present studies on ancestor worship, especially this joint study on “Family, Kinship, and Ancestor Worship”, may be considered to be faced by the following questions: first, regional difference in Japanese ancestor worship should be clarified to begin with; second, long- and short-term changes in Japanese ancestor worship should be clarified. Third, the question of how the various types of ancestor worship are related to Japanese concepts of the dead and the Other World should be addressed; fourth, the position of Japanese ancestor worship in Eastern Asia should be clarified. The subject of this joint study is the clarification of ancestor worship as one of the Japanese basic faiths from an overall consideration of the subject at the present stage, from the aspects of both social structure and concepts regarding ancestors.}, pages = {7--21}, title = {祖先祭祀と家族・序論(Ⅰ. 総論)}, volume = {41}, year = {1992}, yomi = {ウエノ, カズオ} }