@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000581, author = {小島, 美子 and Kojima, Tomiko}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 青森県東津軽郡平舘村の民俗音楽を調査したところ、労作民謡はにしん漁でかつて歌われたにしん場音頭を伝えているだけできわめて少なく、また地域の共同体の生活と結びついた歌も、ひじょうに少なかった。そしてその代りに津軽民謡として全国的に有名な「じょんから節」などが歌われ、日本海沿岸諸県や北海道の民謡も、盆踊りや酒宴などで多く歌われていた。 そのため平舘村の人々がどのように民謡を伝承してきたのか調べてみた。その結果、もちろん従来のように暮らしの中で自然に覚えてきた例もあったが、むしろラジオ、レコード、民謡の旅芸人たちの歌会、門付けするボサマの歌などによって、プロの民謡を覚えた形が主流であった。 平舘村は近世に入ってから移住者たちによって開かれた村で、漁業中心の生活がつづき、集落の共同体の組織も弱く、共同体の生活の中で伝えられることの多い伝統的な民俗的な諸事象も、束縛が弱く、新しいもの、他所のものを気安く受けいれ易い状況があることがわかった。 ところがこうした平舘村の民謡の伝承の状況は、実は平舘村だけではなく、津軽全体に共通する現象であることがわかった。津軽ではすでに大正期からプロの民謡歌手たちが多数輩出し、民謡は文字通り生活の糧になっていた。また青森県の代表的な地方紙である東奥日報社が、早くも昭和九年から津軽民謡のコンクールを行っており、これが津軽の人々に熱狂的に受け入れられた。 こうして一方では津軽民謡はプロの芸人たちの手で、全国的に知られるようになるとともに、一方ではそれ以外の地元の民謡を忘れさせ、すたれさせる結果になったのである。 そして津軽の民謡が早く経験したこのような状況は、今全国の民謡に現われ始めている。その意味でこの津軽の民俗音楽の状況は、津軽地方の民俗音楽の地域的特性を表わしているばかりでなく、現在、日本全国で起こっている民俗音楽の今後の動きを示す例としても注目される。, Investigation of the folk music in Tairadate Village revealed that very few labor folk songs were handed down there; the only example was the “herring fishing song” which was once sung by the herring fishers. Songs which were closely tied with the local community life were also very few: in their place, the “Jonkarabushi”, known all over Japan, was sung as a Tsugaru folk song, and folk songs from prefectures on the Japan Sea side and Hokkaido were sung on the occasions of Bon-Odori (summer festival dances) or feasts. So the author investigated how the people of Tairadate Village had handed down the folk songs. The results showed that of course some songs were memorized naturally in their daily lives in the usual manner. However, most of songs were memorized from professional singers, through radio, records, concerts of travelling artists, and “Bosama”, people who go from door to door singing for money. Tairadate Village was opened up by settlers from around the 16th century onwards. Life centered on fishing continued for a long time, village communities organizations were not active, and people were rather free from the restraint of traditional folkloric phenomena which are generally handed down in community life: so the village was in a state where new things or things coming from the outside were easily accepted. However, it was found that the way Minyô (folk songs) were handed down in Tairadate Village was common to the whole Tsugaru area. Tsugaru has produced a large number of professional Minyô singers since the 1910's, and the Minyô has been literally the staff of life. The Tôô-Nippo-sha, a typical local newspaper of Aomori Prefecture, has held a Tsugaru Minyô Contest since as early as the 9th year of Showa (1934), which has been accepted by the Tsugaru people enthusiastically. Thus, on the one hand, Tsugaru Minyô have been made known nationwide by professional artists; but on the other hand, this resulted in the oblivion and decline of other local Minyô. What the Tsugaru Minyô experienced early on is now making an appearance in the Minyô of the whole country. In this sense, the state of Minyô music in the Tsugaru Region shows not only its regional characteristics, but is also an example which indicates the future trends of Minyô music all over Japan.}, pages = {63--78}, title = {津軽民謡の伝承 : 平舘村を中心に}, volume = {43}, year = {1992}, yomi = {コジマ, トミコ} }