@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000625, author = {設楽, 博己 and Shitara, Hiromi}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, いったん遺体を骨にしてから再び埋葬する葬法を、複葬と呼ぶ。考古学的な事象からは、死の確認や一次葬など、複葬制全体を明らかにすることは困難で、最終的な埋葬遺跡で複葬制の存在を確認する場合が多い。そうした墓を再葬墓、その複葬の過程を再葬と呼んでいる。東日本の初期弥生時代に、大形壺を蔵骨器に用いた壺棺再葬墓が発達する。その起源の追究は、縄文時代の再葬にさかのぼって検討する必要がある。 縄文後・晩期の再葬は、普遍的葬法といえるものはまれであるものの、南東北地方から近畿地方にいたる比較的広い地域に広がっていた。再葬法には遺骨を集積した集骨葬や、土器に納めた土器棺再葬、人骨を破壊して四角く組んだ盤状集骨葬や、人骨を焼いて埋葬した焼人骨葬などがあり、けっして縄文後・晩期の再葬も一様ではない。縄文時代には、生前の血縁関係や年齢に応じたつながりを死後も維持するためと思われる合葬がしばしばおこなわれるが、再葬のひとつの要因として合葬が考えられる。そうした再葬を伴う合葬のなかには、祖先や集落の始祖に対する意識の萌芽的な側面が指摘できるものもある。しかし、同様な形態の再葬でもその内容が同じとはいえず、さらに長い年月の間、その性格も不変のものではありえないと思われる。地域間の相互交流、再葬の際の骨の扱い方の変化など再葬法の時代的な変化を整理することにより、そうした多様性の内実に近づくことが可能だろう。 中部高地の縄文晩期の再葬の特色は、多人数の遺骸を処理する焼人骨葬であり、それは北陸に広がり、伊勢湾、近畿地方に伝播した。一方、中部高地には伊勢湾地方の集骨葬が影響を与えた可能性がある。再葬の際の骨の取り扱い方という点では、縄文後期に顕著であった全身骨再葬と、頭骨重視の傾向が晩期初頭~前葉にも引きつがれる一方、それ以降部分骨再葬や中期にさかのぼる遺骨破壊の行為も比較的広範囲に広まるように、晩期前葉を過渡期として遺骨の取り扱いにも変化がみられるようになる。 晩期中葉の近畿地方では部分骨再葬と結びついた土器棺再葬をおこなっていた。土器棺再葬を部分骨再葬とみなせば、焼人骨はその残余骨の処理であったと考えられ、遺骨破壊の必要性が高まった反面、遺骨保存の措置が採られた二重構造を想定することができる。多様な再葬の形態と相互の影響関係が認められる近畿地方から中部高地の内陸地帯で、晩期中葉には集骨葬が衰退するなか、類例は少ないが土器棺再葬と焼人骨葬が晩期終末まで継続するのは、弥生時代の壺棺再葬墓の成立を考えるうえで重要な現象である。, The method of burial in which the body is ossified then reburied is called reburial. In the early Yayoi period (B.C.3C~A.D.1C) in eastern Japan, the jar reburial grave, using large jars as cinerary urns, became widespread. The origins of this should be examined, going back to the reburial of the Jōmon period. Reburial in the Later and Final Jōmon period (B.C.2000~300) was spread over a relatively wide area, from the southern Tōhoku District to the Kinki District, though there was little in the way of a universal method of burial. Examples of reburial methods are as follows: bone-gathering burial, in which bones were gathered together; ceramic coffin burial, in which bones were placed in ceramic jars; board-type bone gathering burial, in which bones were broken and assembled into a square board; and bone-burning burial, in which bones were burned and buried. Reburials in the Later and Final Jōmon period are not uniform at all. Reburial in the Final Jōmon period (B.C.1000~300) in the Central Highland is characterized by bone-burning burial, in which a large number of bodies were dealt with at a time. This type of burial spread into the Hokuriku District, and was also transmitted to the Ise Bay Area and the Kinki District. On the other hand, the bone-gathering burial of the Ise Bay Area might have asserted some influence on reburials in the Central Highland. As to how the bones were dealt with at reburials, the reburial of all the bones, which was prevalent in the Later Jōmon period, and the tendency to place importance on the skull, were carried over to the beginning and first half of the Final Jōmon period. Later, on the other hand, the reburial of some bones, and the practice of breaking bones, that dated back to the Middle Jōmon period (B.C.3000~2000), were spread over a relatively wide area. In this way, the manner in which bones were handled changed, the early Final Jōmon period being the period of transition. In the Kinki District in the middle of the Final Jōmon period, ceramic coffin burials, connected with partial reburial were carried out. If the ceramic coffin reburial is regarded as a partial-bone reburial, the bone-burning can be looked on as the disposal of the remaining ashes. A double structure can be supposed, wherein the necessity of breaking bones increased, and at the same time, measures were taken to conserve a part of the bones. In the inland region from the Kinki District to the Central Highland, where various forms of burial and reciprocally-influential relationships can be observed, the ceramic coffin rebuial and bone-burning burial, though examples are few, continued to the end of the Final Jōmon period, while the bone-gathering burial declined in the middle of the Final Jōmon period. This is an important phenomenon to be considered regarding the establishment of the jar-reburial grave in the Yayoi period.}, pages = {7--46}, title = {縄文時代の再葬}, volume = {49}, year = {1993}, yomi = {シタラ, ヒロミ} }