@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000637, author = {酒井, 清治 and Sakai, Kiyoji}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, 武蔵国は,宝亀2年(771)に東山道から東海道に所属替えになった。東山道に所属した時期には,「枉げて上野国邑楽郡より五箇駅を経,武蔵国に至る」とあり,上野国東部から武蔵国府へ向かったのであるが,そのルートについては先学により論議されてきたところであった。 近年の発掘調査の進展により,武蔵国府の西から国分僧寺,尼寺の間を3.5kmに亘って北上する道が確認され,さらに所沢市東の上遣跡でも道路跡が発掘されるに到り,この道が,東山道武蔵路と考えられるようになってきた。しかし,現段階では駅家が発見されておらず,そのルートも不明確な状況であることから,考古学資料あるいは文献資料によって,推定ルートと,その道の歴史的背景を探ろうとした。 この道は文化交流,物資の運搬,人の移動に利用されたようで,道路跡の付近には関連遺跡,遺物が多い。特に武蔵国分寺の創建初期の瓦が,上野国新田郡,佐位郡との関連で焼造されたこと,熊谷市西別府廃寺では一部であるが武蔵国分寺瓦を使用することは,この道を介して行われた交流の代表的な事例である。また,西別府廃寺付近の奈良神社は,8世紀初頭には陸奥への征夷に赴くときの祈願場所として信仰を集めたようで,東海道の鹿島神宮などと対比される位置にあろう。 発掘された道路跡の特徴は幅12mを測り,側溝を持つ直線道であること,東の上遺跡から,時期が7世紀中葉あるいは第3四半期まで遡ることが判明した。特に道幅が大路である山陽道に匹敵することは支路と考えるには問題があり,また,大宝元年(701)の駅制成立の時期よりも遡ることは,道の築造が,当時の朝鮮半島の緊迫した社会情勢と関連していたと考えたい。おそらく,対新羅,対唐に対応するための軍事的道路であり,一方は内政に目を向けた,北への勢力拡張政策のための道であろう。すなわち,当初は上野国府と武蔵国府を直接結ぶ政治的道路ではなく,東山道と東海道の連絡路である軍事的道路として築造されたと推考したい。, Musashi Province, which formerly belonged to the Tōsandō, was transferred to the Tōkaidō in Hōki 2 (771). When the Province belonged to the Tōsandō, as can be seen in a record stating that the route “turned toward Ōra County in Kōzuke Province, and passed Goka stations to reach Musashi Province”, the route went from the eastern part of Kōzuke Province to the provincial capital of Musashi. The route has been discussed in previous researches. Through progress in recent investigatory excavations, the existence has been ascertained of a route going northward for 3.5km from the west of the provincial capital of Musashi, passing between the temple and the nunnery both established by the state. Furthermore, the remains of a road have been excavated from the Azuma-no-ue Site, in Tokorozawa City, and this road has come to be considered the Musashi Road of the Tōsandō. At the present stage, however, the remains of no stations have been discovered, and the route remains unclear. This being the case, the author has attempted to search for the presumed route and to pursue its historical background through archaeological materials and historical documents. The road seems to have been used for cultural exchanges, transportation of freight, and the movement of people. Near the remains of the road, there are many related sites and remains. Typical exchanges carried out along this road are as follows: Tiles used in the initial construction of the provincial temple of Musashi were baked in association with the Nitta and Sai Counties in Kōzuke Province; and tiles from the provincial temple of Musashi were used in part at the ruined Nishi-Beppu Temple, in Kumagaya City. The Nara Shrine near the ruined Nishi-Beppu Temple seems to have attracted believers as a place of prayer on the way to the Mutsu Region in the early 8th century in expeditions against the barbarians. This shrine can be compared with the Kashima Shrine on Tōkaidō. The width of the ruined road excavated measured 12m. The road was straight, with ditches; and it dates back to the middle or the third quarter of the 7th century, judging from the date of the Azuma-no-us Site. The fact that the width of the road was equivalent to that of the Sanyōdō, which was a main route makes it especially difficult to regard this road as a branch route. From the fact that the construction of the road dates back to before the establishment of the station system in the first year of Taihō (701), the author would rather think that the construction of the road was connected to the then tenes social situation in the Korean Peninsular. Probably, this was in part a military route to defend the country from the Silla and the Tang, and in part a route aimed at domestic politics to support the policy of expansion toward the north. In other words, the author would like to put forward the idea that this road was not a political road directly connecting the provincial capitals of Kōzuke and Musashi, but was originally constructed as a military road linking the Tōsandō and the Tōkaidō.}, pages = {165--194}, title = {武蔵国内の東山道について : 特に古代遺跡との関連から}, volume = {50}, year = {1993}, yomi = {サカイ, キヨジ} }