@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000650, author = {平川, 南 and Hirakawa, Minami}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, 多賀城(たがじよう)は、古代東北地方の政治・文化の中心地であった。その創建の年代については、文献史料には記載がない。ただ当時の諸情勢について文献史料を検討するならば、おおよそ養老(ようろう)~神亀(しんき)年間(七一七~七二九)にかけて多賀城の成立を想定できる。近年の考古学の成果からは、その創建年代は郷里制(ごうりせい)とよばれた行政区画の実施された期間(七一五~七四〇)内に限定できる。従来偽作説が強かった多賀城碑(たがじようひ)は近年の研究により真物とみて問題ない。碑は多賀城の創建を神亀元(七二四)年と明確に刻している。ただしこの年代は城の完成時か造営着手時かがはっきりしない。 多賀城の中心・政庁と外郭南門とを結ぶ正面道路跡の石組暗渠(いしぐみあんきよ)の裏込(うらご)め土から出土した木簡群は、年紀こそ記していないが、その内容を詳細に検討した結果、多賀城創建年代を限定できることが明らかとなった。まず第二号木簡「菊多(きくた)郡」は養老二(七一八)年建置、第一号の歴名の記載様式は養老五(七二一)年戸籍以前の特徴をもっている。この木簡は古代の戸籍制度を研究する上でも、重要な問題を投げかける史料といえる。創建年代を養老二~六年までの間とすると、第一八・一九号の「主典(しゅてん(さかん))一」「鉦師(じようし)四」は、養老四年九月の按察使殺害の際に派遣された征夷軍(せいいぐん)に伴なうものであろう。その場合、年代をさらに養老四年九月から五年四月(征夷将軍帰還)までの間に限定できる。一方、暗渠(あんきよ)埋り土中の「緑子(りよくし)」と書かれた木簡が養老五年戸籍以降の年齢区分呼称と判断できることから、上記の年代推定の妥当なことも傍証できる。 結局、多賀城創建期の政庁と外郭南門を結ぶ道路は、養老五年からまもない時に構築され、しかもそのような主要な道路は造営の早期の段階に位置づけられよう。そして、多賀城の完成をその数年後に想定すると、多賀城碑に記す「神亀元年」は城の完成時を示していると判断できる。本木簡は多賀城碑の信憑性(しんぴようせい)をも高める史料であるといえる。, Taga Castle was the center of politics and culture in the Tōhoku District in ancient Japan. The date of its establishment is not recorded in historical documents. However, examination of historical documents on contemporary matters shows that Taga Castle was perhaps established between the Yōrō and Shinki eras (717 to 729). The results of recent archaeological studies allow us to narrow down the date of its establishment to the period when an administrative section system called Gorisei was in force (715 to 740). Based on recent research, there is no reason not to consider the Taga Castle Monument genuine, though there has been superior opinion that it was a fake. On this monument, the inscription clearly shows that Taga Castle was established in the first year of Shinki (724). However, it is not clear if this indicates the completion of the castle or the start of its construction. Detailed examination of wooden tablets excavated from back filling earth of the stonework culvert on the remains of the front road, which connected the government house, which was the center of Taga Castle, with the South Gate of the outer wall, has made it clear that the date of the construction of Taga Castle can be pinpointed, though these tablets are undated. First, the “Kikuta County” on wooden tablet No. 2 was established in the 2nd year of Yōrō (718), and the style of description of listed names on wooden tablet No. 1 shows the characteristics of the period before the register of the 5th year of Yōrō (721). These wooden tablets can be considered historical materials which pose important questions regarding research of the ancient register system. If was suppose that Taga Castle was established between the 2nd and the 6th year of Yōrō (718 and 722), “Shuten 1” and “Jōshi 4” on Tablets No. 18 and 19 may be those who accompanied the expeditionary force against the “Emishi” dispatched at the occasion of the assassination of the superintendent in September of the 4th year of Yōrō (720). In that case, the period can be further narrowed down to between September of the 4th year of Yōrō (720), and April of the 5th year of Yōrō (721), when the commander-in-chief returned. On the other hand, “Ryokushi” on a wooden tablet which was excavated from the filling earth of the culvert, can be judged to be the name of an age group after the establishment of the register of the 5th year of Yōrō (721), which corroborates the accuracy of the above estimate of the period. In conclusion, the road connecting the government house with South Gate of the outer wall was constructed soon after the 5th year of Yōrō (721), and such an important road can probably be attributed to the early stages of the construction. Supposing that Taga Castle was completed several years later, “the first year of Shinki” inscribed on the Taga Castle Monument can be judged to indicate the time of the completion of the castle. The wooden tablets can be said to be historical materials which reinforce the credibility of the Taga Castle Monument.}, pages = {23--56}, title = {多賀城の創建年代 : 木簡の検討を中心として}, volume = {50}, year = {1993}, yomi = {ヒラカワ, ミナミ} }