@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000661, author = {卯田, 宗平 and Uda, Shuhei}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 漁撈活動を取り上げた研究を振り返ると,各地の漁法や漁撈慣行,漁業暦,観天望気についての事例記述的な成果が数多く蓄積されている。そうした成果では,個々の漁撈技術に関する事柄には触れていても,漁撈活動における技術のあり方をまとめたものはない。本論では,科学史や技術史,また生産や生業活動のなかで描かれてきた技術論を整理し,また著者の調査結果を踏まえ,一連の漁撈活動で発揮される技術について考察する。 漁撈活動における技術とは,言語などの表現形式によって分節化できる知識に基づいて発揮される。その内容が個人から切り離せるため,特定の集団内で共有され,時代を超えて変化をこうむりながらも継承されていく。一方,経験従属的な知識に基づく技能は,分節化できる個々の技術を一連の漁撈活動のなかで統合化する働きがある。この技術と技能は,一連の漁撈活動を成り立たせるために必要であり,漁撈技術がいかに発展しようとも本質的には受け継がれる関係である。 また漁撈活動における技術には,その特徴によって二つにわけて考えることができる。ひとつは,一連の漁撈活動のなかで,個人の能力に依存しながら発揮される技術である。いまひとつは,特定の集団内で知識(情報)を共有し,それを背景として発揮される技術である。実際の漁撈活動では,それぞれの総和が一連の漁撈活動を連続したものとして成り立たせている。また,従来漠然といわれてきた漁撈技術の発展には二つの方向性がある。ひとつは,人間の身体的な動作やそれに依存した道具が発展する「機械化」の方向であり,いまひとつは人間の知覚や記憶能力が外在化し発展する「装置化」の方向である。, There are many results about the fishing technique in the past research. But, most of these researches are the restoration and record of the fishing activities. By the past research, there is no thesis that explained the meaning of the technique and skill in the subsistence activities, and relations between a fisherman and the nature in the process of the technological development. So, in this paper, the author described the technique and skill in the subsistence activities. Describes are ①the summarization of the meaning of the technique and the skill on argument in philosophy, folklore and anthropology, ②the explication of the elements of the subsistence activities, such as “Individual ability” “fishing means” “fishing target” ③the meaning of the old and new fishing technique in the fishing activities, and the relations with the fisherman and the nature. It knows the next thing about the technology and the skill. Namely, technique is objective knowledge and ability that fishing means is manipulated. Skill is individual knowledge and ability whom its gets through the experience. As for the technique, it is based on the objective and systematic knowledge. Therefore, technique can be transmitted by using the language and those expression forms to other people. The contents of the technique can become satisfactory more by sharing knowledge. The other side, skill is the knowledge that gets it through the experience for many years. This is very individual and sensuous, called “KAN” “KOTSU”. Therefore, skill can't be transmitted to other people by the expression form such as a language. An individual experience and an effort, such as training of knowledge and ability, are necessary for the improvement of the skill. The meaning of the old and new technique is different, too. The old technique is the act which it uses of a fisherman's body and a tool as a physical extension. Before, the difference in individual ability was shown as a difference in catch of fish. On one side, new technique is the act which a machine and a device, such as GPS (global positioning system) and a fish-finder, are used for. In the process of the technological development, relations between a fisherman and the nature are changed. But, fishermen get the new form of knowledge about the new technology, and show personal ability.}, pages = {25--46}, title = {漁撈活動における「技術」について}, volume = {100}, year = {2003}, yomi = {ウダ, シュウヘイ} }