@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000663, author = {西, 弥生 and Nishi, Yayoi}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 本稿は興福寺における別当就任儀礼である「印鎰渡」について検討したものである。国立歴史民俗博物館に所蔵される室町前期成立「印鎰用意條々」(水木家資料)は、顕守によって執筆され、興福寺の一院家である東院に伝来したと判断される。その内容は、「印鎰渡」の支度に焦点を当て、大乗院方の記録を抄出したものである。 興福寺別当の就任は、口宣案および藤氏長者宣によって別当に補任され、春日社へ就任の奉告をした後に「印鎰渡」が挙行されるといった一連の流れで実現する。「印鎰渡」の次第は、吉書の儀式、三会(三蔵会・法花会・慈恩会)の放請から構成され、続いて金堂著座が行われる。新任別当の就任を寺院社会に向けて披露するのが「印鎰渡」の趣旨であり、新任別当が加判した吉書および放請への押印が「印鎰渡」の象徴的所作であると言える。 「印鎰渡」の挙行手続きにおいて重要な役割を果たしたのが「寺務奉行」である。「寺務奉行」には諸職に対する招請文書の発給や諸道具の用意、記録作成など種々の任務があった。大乗院・一乗院の両門跡から別当が就任した場合、その「寺務奉行」には坊官・侍の随一たる者が選任される慣例であり、とりわけ大乗院に関しては坊官家として知られる福智院家より輩出された例が複数確認される。 「印鎰渡」について、次第・支度・挙行手続きの実態を探りつつ「印鎰用意條々」の性格を検討するに、「印鎰渡」において「寺務奉行」を務めることになった顕守が、大乗院方の記録を参照し、個人的に必要な「寺務奉行」に関わる部分を抄出した、実務的要素の強い記録と言える。, This paper examines Inyaku Watashi (Inyaku Transfer), which was one of the protocols for inducting stewards into Kofukuji Temple. It has been determined that the Inyaku Yoi Jojo (provisions for preparing official seals and keys to storehouses ; from the Mizuki archives), which is currently in the possession of the National Museum of Japanese History, was written by Akimori in the early part of the Muromachi period, and was passed down through Toin, one of the sub-temples of Kofukuji Temple. The text focuses on the preparations for the Inyaku Transfer, and it contains excerpts from the records of Daijoin. The proceedings for inducting stewards into Kofukuji Temple consist of a series of steps that include the appointment of the steward through an oral declaration, an edict from the head of the Fujiwara clan, the reporting of the appointment to the Kasuga Taisha shrine, and finally the conducting of the Inyaku Transfer. The procedures for the Inyaku Transfer consist of a Felicitous Document ceremony, the issuance and acceptance of notices for three Buddhist masses to commemorate three great priests (Sanzoe ceremony, Hokae ceremony, and Jione ceremony), as well as a seating ceremony in the kondo (main hall). The primary purpose of the Inyaku Transfer ceremony is to publicly announce the induction of the new Steward to temple society, and the Felicitous Document, with the seal of the newly appointed Steward, as well as seals on the notices are considered to be symbolic conduct of the Inyaku Transfer. The jimu-bugyo, the temple affairs magistrate, played an important role in carrying out the Inyaku Transfer procedures. The jimu-bugyo performed a variety of duties, including issuing and providing written invitations to those in various positions, preparing utensils, and keeping records. If the Steward was appointed from either of the two monzekis (temples inhabited by ordained members of the imperial family) Daijoin or Ichijoin, it was customary for the best bokan (attendant to an ordained member of the imperial family) or samurai warrior to be selected as the jimu-bugyo, and it has been confirmed in several instances that the jimu-bugyo was selected from the Fukuchiin family, a highly respected attendant family at Daijoin. In light of this inquiry into the actual protocols, preparations and implementation of procedures for the Inyaku Transfer, and given the background to the writing of the Inyaku Yoi Jojo, we can assume that Akimori, who was selected to assume the position of jimu-bugyo to perform the Inyaku Transfer for the induction of the Steward to the head of the Toin temple, referred to records held at Daijoin and extracted passages concerning the jimu-bugyo from those records.}, pages = {41--70}, title = {中世興福寺における別当就任儀礼 : 「印鎰用意條々」を通して}, volume = {100}, year = {2003}, yomi = {ニシ, ヤヨイ} }