@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000686, author = {寺本, 潔 and Teramoto, Kiyoshi}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Nov}, note = {application/pdf, 子どもの知覚環境を実際のフィールドにおいて調査するといろいろなことがわかってくる。子どもは、日常の遊びや自然物との関わりあいの中で独特な自然認識や空間の知覚を行っている。本研究では、農村の事例として愛知県小原村を、都市部の事例として名古屋市中川区を選び、子どもの遊び行動と知覚空間の変化を実証的に調べてみた。 調査方法として採用したのは、子ども自身に地域の手描き地図を描かせる方法と子どもやその親への聞き取りを採用した。子どもに地図を描かせると知覚空間の構造の一部が把握でき、また聞き取りによって、詳細な行動実態がつかめてくる。 調査を行った結果、子どもの知覚空間の範囲は小原村の場合、村内の地形を反映し、浅い谷ごとに閉じられていることがわかった。また、名古屋市の場合、都市化の状況や子どもを取り巻く様々な社会的要因の影響を受けて、変化しつつあり、とりわけ三世代の遊び行動の差異は著しいものがあった。子どもの知覚環境研究の課題は、依然極めて多く、子ども史的観点からの追究も残された課題となっている。本研究は、未だ子どもの内的世界を描いた点では素描にすぎず、今後、地理学のみならず、歴史学や民俗学などの隣接学問からのアプローチも期待される。, The aim of the present paper is to clarify the structure of children's perception of the environment perception. Obara-mma. and Nagoya-shi were selected as the study field and some elemetary school pupils in it were analyzed. They were asked to draw a map of their living environment and to identify the particular natural and man-made features in the study field, which were presented to them by transparencies. They were instructed to draw a map of their living environment and its vicinity, with its various features, in thirty minutes. They could add to the first sheets of paper as many sheets of paper as they wanted, in order to reduce the influence of different individual drawing skills. The investigator gave them supplementary explanations and directions as well where necessary. Trunk roads and roads to school constituted the access of the maps. A linear view in space cognition in the lower grades developed into a plane view in the higher grades, which also frequently showed a distortion in a particular direction. Some pupils added in their maps places far away from their school district. Some places and buildings were drawn by many pupils. They were examined in relation to the interest of the pupils. Among the pupils' that were meaningful spaces were shortcuts, secret paths, places that scared them (like a haunted house), and secret hiding places. The results are as follows. Children are apt to consider their home and their primary school the base of their behavior, as can be seen from the fact that they put them on their cognitive maps correctly. Children are able to behave freely throughout the school district, particularly in playing fields, alleys, children's paths, “sweet shops”, and private abacus schools. The author understands that the children's image of the school district and their behavior do not, vary so much from child to child. Generally speaking, pre-teen children like to explore unknown places very much. They sometimes walk beyond the school district, following main streets up to topographical barriers. They may discover by chance interesting play areas, which they prefer to call by nick-name. In conclusion, this study shows that the daily activities of children help in the development of their cognitive space.}, pages = {5--52}, title = {子どもの知覚環境と遊び行動 : 人文主義的地理学からのアプローチ}, volume = {54}, year = {1993}, yomi = {テラモト, キヨシ} }