@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000724, author = {高橋, 照彦 and Takahashi, Teruhiko}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 本稿は,平安時代における緑釉陶器生産の展開と終焉を検討対象とし,生産地の拡散過程・生産体制ならびにその歴史的背景について考察することを目的としている。緑釉陶器生産の盛衰過程は6段階に整理され,巨視的にみれば3度にわたる生産地の拡散が認められる。このうち,本稿は第2次拡散以降について検討を試みることにした。 まず,第2次拡散期である9世紀中頃には,山城・尾張において基本的にその生産国内の技術により,国内の範囲で生産地拡散が行われる。この背景には,公的用途に限定されない需要の増大が推測され,9世紀前半からの緩やかな変質を認めることができる。その一方で,長門ではおそらく在地の生産基盤の薄弱さなどのために,他地域のように十分な生産の拡大は達成できなかったとみられる。この時期の緑釉陶器の生産体制としては,在地の生産組織に依拠しながらも中央の介在による共通規範の設定が行われていたものとみられ,国衙による生産過程への一定の関与が推測される。 第3次拡散では,旧来の生産国を越えて丹波・美濃・近江・周防・三河などの新たな生産地が成立する。ここに9世紀的な3国による生産が崩れ,より一層の在地的展開が起こったことになる。ただし,生産体制としては従来から指摘のある荘園制的な新たな生産に転化したとは考えられず,それ以前からの延長的側面が残存していたと判断される。特に10世紀前半代には,近江窯の成立を初めとして9世紀代の緑釉陶器生産・供給体制を再現するために国家的に生産の再編が行われた可能性がある。 11世紀前半代には,緑釉陶器生産がほぼ終焉を迎えることになる。この段階では緑釉陶器の需要が消滅したとは言えないため,終焉の背景としては生産側の要因がより大きかったと判断した。その一因としては原材料である鉛の不足も確かに重要であるが,規定的な要件はむしろ他の手工業生産にもわたるような国家的な変動の中で旧来的な生産が維持できなくなったという生産体制自体の変質に求められると考えた。 平安期緑釉陶器生産は,奈良時代の中央官営工房による独占的な体制から,国衙が関与しつつ在地の窯業生産に依存する生産体制へと変容したことが大きな特質であった。そして,その生産は中世への萌芽的様相を見せながら変質していくが,最終的には国家的な後ろ楯なくしては存立できない古代的な生産体制に留まっていたために,在地に技術が根付かなかったものと結論付けた。, I have selected the rise and the termination of green-glazed wares' production in the Heian period as the subject for examination, and I have sought to consider the production systems, the process of spread of the production sites, and their historical background. The process of rise and fall of the production of green-glazed wares is divided into 6 steps and I identify the three distinct, generally speaking, expansions of production sites. In this paper, I have tried to elaborate the second and third spreading period of production sites. Firstly, in the middle of the 9th century which was the second spreading period, the production sites were expanded within the countries of Yamashiro and Owari, by introducing the technology of production in these countries. I recognize a slow change in demand compared with the beginning of the 9th century, and I suppose that the expansion was caused by an increasing demand which was not ordered only by the governments. On the other hand, the expansion of production sites in Nagato was not as great as those in the other districts because of the weak production base in that district. Also, in the production of green-glazed wares in this period, a common standard was supposed to be established, under the control of the central government, though it depended on the producing capacity at these districts. Perhaps, the “kokuga” (the office of provincial governor) participated in the production regularly. In the third growth period, new production districts, such as Tanba, Mino, Ōmi, Suō and Mikawa, were established over the border of the existing production provinces. This fact means that in the 10th century, the monopolistic production of green-glazed wares of the 9th century by three countries, was changed greatly. However, I suppose that the “kokuga” still participated in the production system. Further, I consider that, particularly in the beginning of the 10th century, the production system was reconstructed by the central government, in order to restore the supply system of the green-glazed wares of the 9th century. In the first half of the 11th century, the production of green-glazed wares almost came to an end. Concerning the historical background in this period, I consider that the factor on the production side was more influential, because demand had not completely disappeared. The shortage of lead, as a material, would be one of the factors. However, I conclude that the main cause of the decline could be found in the change of the production system itself. It means that the conventional production could not be maintained because of the changes in production system which extended in the other handicraft manufacturing all over Japan. The most important characteristic of the green-glazed wares production in Heian period was that it changed from a monopolistic system in specific factories controlled by the central government in the Nara period, to a new production system which depended on the local production in each area, influenced by the “kokuga”. Moreover, the production system further changed, showing the germinal stage of the middle ages. However, the technology didn't take root in each district. I concluded that it was the reason why the basis of the system was left as it had been in the ancient style.}, pages = {133--169}, title = {平安期緑釉陶器生産の展開と終焉}, volume = {60}, year = {1995}, yomi = {タカハシ, テルヒコ} }