@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000890, author = {荒井, 秀規 and Arai, Hideki}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 天平7年(735)年「相摸国封戸租交易帳」を扱った研究は多く,欠佚部の復原についても,幾つかの考察がある。 しかし,従来の復原は,「交易帳」残存部の数値の加減乗除から欠佚部を「虫食い算」で求めるにとどまり,そこに押印されている「相摸国印」や料紙の問題を考察に用いてはいない。 「交易帳」の写真版や料紙に関する詳細なデーターが公開された今日,国印の位置や料紙の寸法,料紙に残る書き直し痕などに注目する必要がある。そのことによって,従来の復原案を確認,あるいは訂正するとともに,新たな復原を提示することができ,その中で不明であった封戸主を推定することも可能である。 また,書き直し痕を分析することにより,この「交易帳」の作成段階をめぐる,国衙レベルか郡・郷レベルかの議論は,前者が妥当であると確定される。「交易帳」に見る数値は,国衙の調整操作による結果であり,「交易帳」の数値から郡の自律性を過大に評価することはできない。むしろ,国衙レベルによる封戸の管理に着目すべきものとなる。, A large number of studies deale with “the Books of trading fuko-so (封戸租) in Sagami province” for the 7th year of Tempyō (A.D. 735), a list which shows ownership of rice fields and rice field tax when the rice field tax of fuko in Sagami Province was exchanged for a cloth and so on, in some observations, restoration of missing portions of the list have been attempted. However, the conventional methods of restoration have estimated only missing portions of “the books” by calculating the numerical value of remainder, not observed the “Sagami kokuin” (相模国印) and charge papers. Now, the pictures of “the books” and detailed date of charge papers are made public, so that it is necessary to pay attention to where province seals were put, the size of charge papers and the rewriting marks on charge papers. By so doing the conventional restoration plan becomes possible to be confirmed or to be corrected, and a new restoration plan is able to present, also the owner of fuko who has not been identified can be assumed. An analysis of rewritten marks decides a question that “the books” were prepared on the level of a provincial government office, not on the level of a county or an area. The numerals appearing on “the books” were determined by a provincial government office, and the autonomy of a county cannot be evaluated excessively from the numerals shown on “the books”. Conversely, the control of fuko on the level of a provincial government office deserves attention.}, pages = {249--277}, title = {「相摸国天平七年封戸租交易帳」の復原と二三の考察(Ⅳ. 論考 / 2. 古代印論 : 出土・伝世印と印影)}, volume = {79}, year = {1999}, yomi = {アライ, ヒデキ} }