@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000891, author = {三上, 喜孝 and Mikami, Yoshitaka}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 本稿は,延暦15年(796)の越前国坂井郡符に捺された「坂井郡印」の印影を検出し,新たな郡印資料を提示すると同時に,古代の「坂井郡印」の変遷を追うことで,古代郡印の編年作業を試みるものである。坂井郡印が捺された文書については,天平宝字2年(758),宝亀11年(780),延暦15年(796)の3時期のものがこれまで知られているが,今回そのすべての印影を確認することができた。それによると,前二者の文書の印影はいずれも楷書体であり,延暦15年の坂井郡符に至ってはじめて篆書体の印影があらわれることがわかる。このことから,坂井郡印が,宝亀11年から延暦15年の16年の間に,楷書体の郡印から篆書体の郡印への改鋳が行われたことが明らかになった。郡印の改鋳時期については従来ほとんど検討されてこなかったが,今回はじめてその具体的な時期がしぼり込めたことになる。 本稿では,あわせて延暦年間(8世紀末~9世紀初頭)の郡印の印影を二つ紹介する(近江国愛智郡印,大和国山辺郡印)。これらはいずれも篆書体であり,さきの坂井郡印での検討をもふまえると,延暦年間にはすでに篆書体の郡印が全国的にあらわれていたことが想定できる。以上の検討は,郡印の編年を考える上で一つの指標となるであろう。, This paper has been prepared with the objective of identifying the Sakai (坂井) County Seal mark of the Document of Sakai County in the Echizen Province dated the 15th year of Enryaku (A.D. 796) to present new materials associated with the county seals and follow at the same time the change of the Sakai County Seals in the olden time, thus developing the work to clarify a chronological change of the Seals. Concerning the documents wherein the Sakai County Seals was marked, all that are known to date are the documents created in the three stages of the 2nd year of Tenpyohōji (A.D. 758) the 11th year of Hōki (A.D. 780) and the 15th year of Enryaku. However, all the seal marks have been identified this time. According to the achievement, the seal marks put in both the former two documents have the Kaisyo style (楷書 printed style), indicating that seal marks having a Tensyo style (篆書 seal character style) began to be used only after the Document of Sakai County dated the 15th year of Enryaku was created. This has made it clear that the Sakai County Seal was recast to have a Tensyo style instead of a Kaisyo style during the 16 years from the 11th year of Hoki (A.D. 780) to the 15th year of Enryaku. The recasting time of county seals have been scarcely studied conventionally, but our recent study has succeeded, for the first time, in identifying the real recasting time. Also introduced in this paper are the seal marks of the county seals of the era of Enryaku (the end of the 8th century to the beginning of the 9th century), which are the seal marks of Echi (愛智) County in Ōmi Province and Yamabe (山辺) County in Yamato Province. Both of these seal marks have the Tensyo style, and therefore, based on the study on the said Sakai County Seal, it is assumed that county seals of the Tensyo style were already used nationwide in the era of Enryaku. The study outlined here will provide a clue in establishing a chronicle of the county seals.}, pages = {279--288}, title = {延暦十五年「越前国坂井郡符」にみえる「坂井郡印」について(Ⅳ. 論考 / 2. 古代印論 : 出土・伝世印と印影)}, volume = {79}, year = {1999}, yomi = {ミカミ, ヨシタカ} }