@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000905, author = {高木, 正文 and Takaki, Masafumi}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 装飾古墳の研究は,多くの人が手がけ,多くの論考が発表されているが,年代観が研究者により大きく異なり,あまり進展がみられない。それは編年的研究の遅滞に起因しているとみられる。 肥後(熊本県)では,全国で最多の190基程の装飾古墳が確認されており,装飾古墳研究上重要な所である。本稿では肥後の装飾古墳について,石室構造と装飾文様の両面から新旧関係を明らかにし,各地域ごとに編年を組み立て,それらの相互比較からその初源地とそこからの波及状況について提言する。 概要を述べると,初源地は肥後南部の八代市で,横穴式石室の石障や箱式石棺の内壁に鏡とみられる円文を彫刻したもので,円文以外に弓・靭・短甲・直刀などもあり,5世紀前半に位置づけられる。その後,装飾古墳は天草や宇土半島へと分布域を広げ,5世紀後半にはさらに北上して熊本市の北部まで広がりをみせる。それまで彫刻文に赤の彩色のみであったのが,この段階で青や黄の彩色も加わり華麗な装飾になる。6世紀に入ると,肥後北部の玉名市や山鹿市付近にも装飾古墳が出現する。横穴式石室の奥に設けられた石屋形を中心に装飾が施され,装飾も線刻文を彩色したものや彩色のみで描いたものへと変化する。この肥後で発展した装飾古墳は,肥後独特の石室構造と共に九州北部地域へと広まり,6世紀中頃には新たに大陸の思想の影響を受けた装飾文も付加されるようである。さらに九州の装飾古墳が日本列島各地の装飾古墳造営に影響を与えたものと考える。, This paper explores the origin and spread of Kofun Period decorated tombs in the ancient province of Higo where some 190 decorated tombs, the highest number in Japan, have been discovered. To this purpose, the author proposes a relative-chronological framework for these tombs, that takes into consideration the structure of burial chambers and regionally specific decorative patterns. The earliest decorated tombs are in present Yashiro City, where the decorations feature engraved circular patterns. These circular patterns probably symbolized bronze mirrors, and were engraved on the surface of stone partitions and inside the stone coffins situated in corridor-style stones burial chambers. Apart from the circular patterns, there were also engraved designs of bows, quivers, cuirasses, and long swords. These probably date to the early fifth century A. D. The spatial distribution of decorated tombs expanded as far as to Amakusa and the Uto Peninsula. The expansion continued to the north in the fifth century to present northern Kumamoto City. The colors of blue and yellow were adopted at this stage in addition to engraving, relief, and the use of red paint. The decorations became more elaborate. In the early sixth century, decorated tombs appeared in the northern Higo region, such as the areas of present Tamana City and Yamaga City. Decorations were applied to a stone structure shaped like a house and its vicinity, found to the rear of a corridor-style burial chamber. The decorations on it were done with colors applied simply to line engravings, and by simple painting. Along with the structure of a corridor-style burial chamber unique to Higo, the decorative tombs originated from Higo diffused to the entire northern Kyushu. In the mid-sixth century, decorative patterns influenced by ideology of continental origin may have been added. I end with the hypothesis that decorative tombs of Kyushu had an impact on the construction of decorative tombs in the rest of Japan.}, pages = {97--150}, title = {肥後における装飾古墳の展開}, volume = {80}, year = {1999}, yomi = {タカキ, マサフミ} }