@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000916, author = {久保, 純子 and Kubo, Sumiko}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 東京低地における歴史時代の地形や水域の変遷を,平野の微地形を手がかりとした面的アプローチにより復元するとともに,これらの環境変化と人類の活動とのかかわりを考察した。本研究では東京低地の微地形分布図を作成し,これをべースに,旧版地形図,歴史資料などから近世の人工改変(海岸部の干拓・埋立,河川の改変,湿地帯の開発など)がすすむ前の中世頃の地形を復元した。中世の東京低地は,東部に利根川デルタが広がる一方,中部には奥東京湾の名残が残り,おそらく広大な干潟をともなっていたのであろう。さらに,歴史・考古資料を利用して古代の海岸線の位置を推定した結果,古代の海岸線については,東部では「万葉集」に詠われた「真間の浦」ラグーンや市川砂州,西部は浅草砂州付近に推定されるが,中央部では微地形や遺跡の分布が貧弱なため,中世よりさらに内陸まで海が入っていたものと思われた。以上にもとづき,1)古墳~奈良時代,2)中世,3)江戸時代後期,4)明治時代以降各時期の水域・地形変化の復元をおこなった。, Historical change of land forms and water-space of the Tokyo Lowland are shown using micro-landforms in the plain, as well as the relationship between environmental changes and human activities. On the basis of the Geomorphological Land Classification Map of the Tokyo Lowland (Kubo, 1993), I examined topographic maps from the 19th Century and historical documents, and them reconstructed the land forms in the late Middle Ages (15 to 16th Century), before the intense human modification of the land such as reclamation and river channel modification has advanced. According to this, Tokyo Lowland in the Middle Ages has deltaic area of the Tone River in the eastern part, while the remnant of Paleo-Tokyo Bay with an extensive tidal area is seen in the middle part. Coastline of the Ancient (c. 8th Century) Tokyo Lowland was estimated by historical and archeological data. The coastline was located near the Mama Lagoon, which was described in Man-yo-shu (8th Century) in the western part, and near Asakusa sand bar in the eastern part. The coastline in the central part was estimated to be located inland side. Reconstruction of landforms and water-space have seen shown as 1) Kofun to Nara Age (6-8th Century), 2) Late Middle Ages (15-16th Century), 3) Late Edo Era (early 19th Century) and 4) After the Meiji Restoration in 1868.}, pages = {101--113}, title = {東京低地における歴史時代の環境変遷(歴史時代の環境変遷)}, volume = {81}, year = {1999}, yomi = {クボ, スミコ} }