@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000977, author = {水野, 章二 and Mizuno, Shoji}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 平安・鎌倉期の額安寺文書は数段程度の売券類が多数を占めるが、その多くは連券として、鎌倉後期に額安寺に入ったものであり、所在地も周辺に散在して、膝下に集中する傾向は見られない。額安寺が寺領を集積していった鎌倉後期は、春道氏ら周辺に所領を持つ在地の上層クラスが額安寺に入り込んでいく時期であった。額安寺が古代以来の額田部・宗岡氏の氏寺の枠を越え、所領寄進・買得や入寺などを通じて、周辺地域の人々との関わりを深め、地域寺院としての性格を強めていくにつれて、氏寺としての経営は次第に困難性を増し、別当職をめぐる相論も起きる。額安寺が地域寺院化していく際、信仰の地域的ネットワークの重要な要素となったのが文殊信仰であり、それを契機に西大寺流律宗の叡尊・忍性との結びつきが強められていく。春道姓の学春は額安寺に居住し、叡尊・忍性の活躍を支えて、額安寺律宗化の基礎を造った人物であるが、その子信空は叡尊を継いで二代目西大寺長老となる。嘉元元年(一三〇三)の額安寺別当職寄進を待つまでもなく、弘安年間にはすでに西大寺の末寺的色彩が強められていた。 額安寺の律宗寺院化が進行するとともに、額安寺の墓寺としての性格も顕著になる。忍性など寺院関係者以外にも、六波羅探題北条盛房の墓地の存在も確認され、また一条家出身の大乗院門主慈信は額安寺を自らの墓所に定めて、金岡東荘を「追善万代之料」に宛てており、「額安寺殿」と呼称される場合もあった。 中世後期の禁制からは、額安寺が額田部郷の検断に関与していたことも明らかであり、地域結合の核としての地域寺院額安寺の姿を見ることができる。, The document possessed by the Kakuan-ji temple comprises of the land contracts during the Heian and the Kamakura periods. The majority of them are attributed to the latter half of the Kamakura era. They show that the lands acquired by the temple were scattered widely around the temple. During the later Kamakura era, powerful clans based around the temple, such as the Harumichi clan, began to establish a close relationship with the Kakuan-ji temple. The Kakuan-ji temple, originally founded by the Nukatabe and the Munaoka clans, functioned as the spiritual center for those clans. However, the temple came to expand its influence over the area through conversion, and by the donation and contract of the land, and it eventually emerged as the powerful political center of the area. As the temple was more involved with the local people, the relationship with the founder clans weakened. During that time, the Monju belief flourished and the Kakuan-ji temple approached two monks, Eison and Ninshou, who belonged to the Ritsushu sect of the Saidai-ji temple. Gakushun of the Harumichi clan resided in the Kakuan-ji temple and supported the monks Eison and Ninshou. He eventually merged the Kakuan-ji temple into the Ritsushu sect. His son, Shinku, later succeeded Eison and held the most powerful position in the Saidai-ji temple. Before 1303, the Kakuan-ji temple was already under the influence of the Saidai-ji temple. As the Kakuan-ji temple came to belong to the Ritsushu sect, it extended memorial services to the people. The temple held the tomb of the monk Ninshou, and that of Morifusa of the Hojo clan. A monk, Jishin of the Daijouin temple, decided on the Kakuan-ji temple for his own burial ground and donated his land property to hold perpetual memorial services for him. An official notice in the Late Medieval era shows that the Nukatabe area was under the jurisdiction of the Kakuan-ji temple, which boasted uncontested power in the region.}, pages = {183--200}, title = {中世の額安寺と周辺地域(Ⅲ. 中世以降の額田部地域)}, volume = {88}, year = {2001}, yomi = {ミズノ, ショウジ} }