@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000978, author = {上原, 真人 and Uehara, Mahito}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 額田寺では伽藍中枢に発掘のメスが及んでいないために,古代の堂塔にともなう瓦の実体は,ほとんどわかっていない。そのため,偶然採集された瓦など2次資料を主な材料に,額田寺の歴史と性格を検討せざるを得ない。検討に際しての方法論的な原則なども,あわせて言及した。 額田寺の創建瓦である素弁六葉蓮華紋軒丸瓦は,従来「古新羅系」と評価されている。しかし,7世紀前半の日本の瓦の系統論には,解決すべき問題点がある。これに続く瓦は,中河内を中心に分布する西琳寺系列山田寺式軒丸瓦で,斑鳩地域の他の寺院には類を見ない。額田寺建立氏族が大和川舟運と密接に関わっていたことを示す。 出土瓦から,古代額田寺は,7世紀前半に創建され,7世紀未にかなり整備されたことがわかる。この経緯は,法隆寺・法輪寺・法起寺など斑鳩地域の他の古代寺院と同じである。事実,軒瓦の紋様は各寺院ごとに独自の笵で製作しているが,7世紀末には法隆寺式軒瓦を共有する「斑鳩文化圏」内の一寺院として額田寺を位置づけることができる。しかし,「額田寺伽藍並条里図」に描かれた額田寺の伽藍は,中門の両側から延びる回廊が金堂にとりつき,中門と金堂の間に儀式空間を構成している。8世紀の平城宮遷都後に成立した伽藍配置である。法隆寺や法輪寺・法起寺など,斑鳩地域の他の寺院の伽藍配置とは決定的に違う。額田寺で最も多数出土している瓦は,外区に唐草紋がめぐる単弁八葉蓮華文軒丸瓦と平城宮系の唐草紋軒平瓦で,これが「額田寺伽藍並条里図」に描かれた伽藍配置の成立と密接に関わる。ただし,その伽藍が7世紀末までに造営した建物を全面的に建替えて成立したのか,それとも旧建物を取り込む形で,伽藍計画に変更を加えたのかは,今後の伽藍中枢部の発掘成果を待つほかはない。, As to the roof-tiles used for the construction of the temple complex, our knowledge is extremely limited as no excavation has ever been conducted at the center of the Nukata-dera cloister. This study examines the history of the Nukata-dera based on the second-class data, such as surface-collected roof-tiles. The roof-tiles used for the original construction of the Nukata-dera temple were traditionally attributed to koshiragi, although it is disputable. The tiles produced in later days were widely distributed in the Nakakawachi region but not found in other temples in the Ikaruga region. This indicates that the founder clan of the Nukata-dera was involved in shipping on the Yamato river. Judging from the style of the collected roof-tiles, the ancient Nukata-dera was founded in the early seventh century and completed by the end of the seventh century. The progress is the same as the other temples in Ikaruga region, namely, Horyu-ji, Horin-ji, and Hokki-ji temples. Although each temple has a unique ornamental pattern on its eaves tiles, the majority of the temples in the Ikaruga region commonly adopted the Horyu-ji type, which fact indicates the presence of the Ikaruga culture in the last years of the seventh century. The map of the Nukata-dera depicts the temple complex composed of two corridors extending from the middle gate to the main hall, to create space for ceremony between the middle gate and the main hall. This arrangement, established after the moving of Heijo palace in the eighth century, was significantly different from those of other temples in Ikaruga region. Among a wide variety of roof-tiles used for the Nukata-dera, two main styles can be recognized; the round eaves tiles with arabesque patterns and flat eaves tiles related to the Heijo palace. They would have been linked to the arrangement of the temple cloister depicted in the map of the Nukata-dera. The temple complex in the map shows either that the temple was originally founded by the end of the seventh century and was completely rebuilt in the middle of eighth century, or that the plan was partly changed from its original arrangement.}, pages = {107--146}, title = {額田寺出土瓦の再検討(Ⅳ. 考古学・地理学からみた額田部地域)}, volume = {88}, year = {2001}, yomi = {ウエハラ, マヒト} }